Astrological Musings- February 2022

February has several planetary aspects that make the beginning of the month feel a bit sedate. The New Moon on February 1 will be conjunct Saturn, so the month starts off feeling a little somber or constrained. Then on February 4th Mercury returns to direct motion while forming a conjunction with Pluto. This will also […]

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Astrological Musings- July 2021

Mentally and emotionally, July will exemplify the challenges of re-entering society after weathering the prolonged isolation created by the virus. We begin July with two contrary astrological phenomena that will dominate most of the energy throughout the month. The first is Mars, Saturn and Uranus, all in fixed signs, forming a tight T-square configuration. Mars […]

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Astrological Musings- June 2021

There will be lots and lots of planetary activity this June. The month starts off with Venus moving into the sign of Cancer and forming a lovely trine to Jupiter in Pisces. For those who have found being at home these last few months pleasant, that energy will continue at the beginning of June. This […]

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Astrological Musings-May 2021

May starts with the Sun conjunct Uranus and ends with a Full Moon eclipse and Mercury Retrograde. In other words, expect the unexpected this month. It will be very important to stay grounded in May because the air will sizzle with electricity. Uranus conjunct the Sun makes for a lot of excitement, as well as […]

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Astrological Musings-April 2021

April will be a somewhat intense month. Until Pluto turns retrograde late in the month, there are no retrograde planets to slow us down. However, transiting Pluto is still closely opposing (a 180 degree aspect) the USA’s natal Mercury and forming a conjunction (a zero to 10 degree aspect) with natal Pluto. Since Mercury rules […]

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Astrological Musings- March 2021

On February 19th the Sun moved into Pisces. Pisces is a mutable water sign that corresponds with late winter and the first signs of spring. This is usually a time of year with much promise and much that is still coming into fruition. The direct motion of Mercury on February 21st initiates the process of […]

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Astrological Musings- January 2021

For me, the New Year really started with the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the Winter Solstice (December 21, 2020). This was an event that hasn’t happened in 800 years and the conjunction was so bright and easily seen with the naked eye that many were calling it the Christmas Star and […]

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girl doing yoga on beach

Astrological Musings October 1, 2020

I grew up hearing about and anticipating the Age of Aquarius. But for 12 years I have been writing about the meaning of Pluto in Capricorn and the transiting aspects it has made between Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. There were two reasons for this. The first reason is that long outer planet transits point to […]

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Astrological Musings – May 1, 2020

As a country, we’ve been experiencing the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in opposition to the USA’s natal Mercury for a while now and I have spoken extensively about this difficult aspect. Then Jupiter changed signs last December and quickly moved into a three-planet conjunction with Saturn and Pluto, putting additional strain on the USA’s […]

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