Astrological Musings September 2024

As September begins, Mercury will have only been in direct motion for a couple of days.  We still may feel the retrograde influence until the shadow period of Mercury retrograde ends on September 12. The shadow period is the time between a planet turning direct and passing back over the degree at which it went […]

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Astrological Musings August 2024

August will largely be defined by the twenty-three days Mercury spends in retrograde. Mercury retrograde is a time to revisit past plans or activities, adjust, and redefine one’s strategy. It is not a time to start something new. For example, whoever scheduled the Democratic National Convention this year most certainly did not consult an astrologer […]

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Astrological Musings July 2024

We are now in the dog days of summer. Have you ever wondered where that expression came from? It refers to Sirius, the Dog Star, a very bright star in the constellation Canis Major. In fact, Sirius is one of the brightest stars in sky.   In the later part of the summer, Sirius rises […]

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Astrological Musings June 2024

One of the luckiest days of the month will be June 2, when Jupiter and Pluto are in an exact trine aspect. This aspect will linger for most of the month. With Jupiter and Pluto in a friendly 120-degree aspect through most of June, it is possible to make progress on important projects and enjoy […]

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Astrological Musings May 2024

May will feel a lot more grounded than April may have felt to some of us. All but one planet is in direct motion and by May 16th five planets will be in the down-to-earth sign of Taurus. This is wonderful energy for taking a deep breath of fresh air and celebrating the abundance of […]

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Astrological Musings April 2024

There are three main planetary events defining April. The first is that Mercury will be retrograde for all but five days of the month. This rules out April as the month to buy a new car or buy electronic equipment or a new smart phone. In general, this is not the best month for starting […]

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Astrological Musings February 2024

There are many natal charts for the USA and I am aware of at least 10 variations. A master astrology I currently take bi-annual workshops with makes a good argument for using the natal chart that places the initial vote for Independence on July 2, leaving the next two days to refine the document now […]

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Astrological Musings January 2024

Plan to hit the ground running in early 2024. When Mercury goes direct on January 2nd we have to opportunity to move into the new year with energy. And after Uranus goes direct on January 27th, we have two whole months without any retrograde planets. It will be full steam ahead.   If you are […]

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Astrological Musings December 2023

New Year’s Resolutions After the Summer Solstice we begin to gradually move towards the shortest and darkest day of the year on the Winter Solstice. On the evening or early morning of the Winter Solstice we begin to shift back to increasing the light every day until we again celebrate the Summer Solstice. In ancient […]

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