1. Astrology 101: Introduction

Western astrology began in ancient Mesopotamia over 5000 years ago. This is when the ancient people, particularly the Babylonians, began observing the stars and identifying the constellations. In the beginning, astronomy and astrology were considered one discipline. The Babylonians were the first to divide the sky into 12 regions, now referred to as the zodiacal […]

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2. Astrology 101: The Elements

  Each astrological sign is associated with one of the natural elements: Fire, Earth, Air, or Water. The element describes that sign’s personal expression and approach to life. Each sign in each element is in a 120- degree aspect (Trine aspect) to every other sign in the same element.   The Fire Signs are Aries, […]

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3. Astrology 101: The Qualities

  Each astrological sign is also grouped by certain common qualities, often related to how they behave or how they relate to others. This is an additional nuanced way to describe how each sign expresses itself and flows through life.   The Receptive signs are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. They tend to be […]

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4. Astrology 101: The Houses

  Each house is traditionally associated with a constellation of the zodiac. This is a general overview of what each house represents in the chart.   First house/ Ascendant     Self- image   Second House                    Values/ Security/ Personal Resources   Third House                        All Types of Communication   Fourth […]

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5. The Sun Signs

Aries Aries (Approximately March 21 to April 19) is considered the first sign of the zodiac and the natural ruler of the first house.  The head of a ram with his majestic, curled horns is the symbol of Aries. It is ruled by the planet Mars, the red planet, named after the Roman god of […]

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6. The Planets

  The Earth Earth isn’t a planet in astrology. Instead, it defines our perspective when reading a chart. That is because the Earth is at the center of every astrological chart, looking out to the planetary bodies orbiting around it. In some senses, you are the Earth in your natal chart. But we cannot assign […]

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Astrological Musings August 2023

We have a Blue Moon in August. The first of the two Full Moons in August Falls on August 1. This will feel very intense because Pluto will be conjunct this Full Moon, amplifying emotions and causing some soul searching. Because these two are also forming a challenging 90-degree square to the lunar nodes, we […]

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Astrological Musings July 2023

July starts out on July 3rd with a very pleasant full moon trine to Uranus, which can be construed as good luck. This aspect outweighs the full moon opposition to Mercury, an aspect that could generate some high emotions. Saturn will come to Mercury’s rescue with an easy 120-degree trine aspect that will settle things […]

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Astrological Musings June 2023

Except for the retrograde movement of Pluto back into Capricorn, June is dominated by forward moving planets that are eager to get back on track and forge ahead. We could all get some momentum going in June. This is a great time to finish up a lingering project that got shelved during Mercury retrograde or […]

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Astrological Musings May 2023

May isn’t going to all light and airy and sunny weather. It is actually going to be a rather emotionally intense month! The month starts out with a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th. This eclipse is within orb to make a conjunction with the South Node. Scorpio energy is intense, regardless. […]

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