There are three main planetary events defining April. The first is that Mercury will be retrograde for all but five days of the month. This rules out April as the month to buy a new car or buy electronic equipment or a new smart phone. In general, this is not the best month for starting a new endeavor or project, especially if a lot of people or steps are involved. However, it is a good month for reviewing and refining an ongoing project. Mercury retrograde is also a good time for introspection, which fits nicely with April’s eclipse energy.

The second event is the Total Solar Eclipse that accompanies the New Moon on April 8. This takes place at 19 degrees of Aries and is widely conjunct Mercury, Chiron, and the Lunar Node. Chiron is the symbol of the Wounded Healer. The North Node represents the direction we are moving towards in life. Mercury is a messenger god who brings us new thoughts, ideas, and experiences into our lives.

Since all these planets are in Aries and Aries initiates and acts, we are likely to see some changes despite Mercury being in retrograde. That is because Chiron and the North Node are ready to facilitate deep personal healing.

This eclipse is likely to provoke a great deal of self-assessment and re-evaluation. It can help us get really clear on what we are ready to let go of (psychologically or physically) and what we want to prioritize bringing into our lives. Most of us will need extra head space and privacy to thoughtfully delve into these areas.

Remember that March’s eclipse was in Libra, the sign that rules relationships. April’s Aries eclipse will have more impact on individuals. Consequently, relationship dynamics may shift too. It is important to stay levelheaded and clear in responding to those around you right now. Truly listen to what is being said. Then take a deep breath, dial into what your heart is feeling, and answer slowly and thoughtfully.

Lastly, Jupiter and Uranus are only three degrees apart and well within conjunction range as April begins. They will form an exact conjunction aspect on April 20. I feel that the impact of this aspect, which only happens approximately every 14 years, will outweigh Mercury’s retrograde motion. Jupiter conjunct Uranus is often regarded as very lucky.

Jupiter is the planet of expansion, the higher mind, and learning. Uranus is the planet of change and disruption of the status quo. Uranus also rules the electronic and digital world we find ourselves living in today. The last time these two planets formed an exact conjunction was in January 2011 in the sign of Pisces. Before that it was in February 1997 in the sign of Aquarius. Think back to those times and reflect on how your life was changing or changed back then. This might help you see a pattern that needs further investigation or identify the direction you want to go this time around. Regardless, this will be a period of profound change, especially if your natal horoscope is being activated by this duo.

My broad interpretation is that April will have a significant impact on our consciousness. This will be especially true if you have Earth signs in your natal chart in aspect to Jupiter and Uranus or Fire signs in your natal chart being activated by the Solar Eclipse. Mercury retrograde can have a positive impact on us as we review our hopes and dreams and set out to nurture and promote these in a positive way.