May will feel a lot more grounded than April may have felt to some of us. All but one planet is in direct motion and by May 16th five planets will be in the down-to-earth sign of Taurus. This is wonderful energy for taking a deep breath of fresh air and celebrating the abundance of nature as Spring fully blossoms around us.

While Jupiter and Uranus are no longer in an exact conjunction, they are still within the customary 10-degree orb to be considered conjunct. This aspect continues throughout the month of May. By mid-month the Sun and Venus in Taurus will also come into immediate contact with Jupiter and Uranus, enhancing the luckiness factor these two planets already possess.

The New Moon on May 7th will be particularly sensual with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Uranus all in close cooperation. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn and those with earth planets in late degrees, will be feeling this aspect the most. This is great time for nearly anyone to start or launch a new project.

Those with planets in early air signs will start to feel the Universe smile on them when the Sun moves into Gemini on May 21, followed quickly by Venus on May 24th and Jupiter on May 26th. A Sun-Venus-Jupiter conjunction is also a lucky aspect, but more cerebral in nature. Expect to have lots of good ideas popping into your head before May comes to a close.