When outer planets go retrograde, we usually have up to several months to adjust to the energy. This isn’t the case when the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars) go retrograde. Their motion is faster, giving us much less time to adjust to the changing energy.
The inner planets have been doing an unusual dance since November 2024. On Nov 26, Mercury went retrograde, In December 2024, Mercury went direct again before Christmas. Then on January 2, 2025, Mars went retrograde. On February 24 Mars went back into direct motion. Nine days later, on March 2, Venus went retrograde, followed by Mercury going retrograde again on March 16. Rarely do we see this kind of up-and-back movement in the inner planets in such a close sequence. Because inner planet retrogrades are best used for reviewing and refining plans, this type of planetary activity keeps us from feeling like we are moving forward. Plans are made and then plans change and everything seems to remain the same.
At the beginning of March four planets are in illusionary Pisces. In addition, Venus is in its weakest sign of Aries (the natural ruler of Mars) and Mars is in its weakest sign of Cancer (the natural ruler of the Moon). Only at the end of the month when they form an easy 120- degree aspect will it feel like Venus and Mars are in harmony. There will be little clarity during March.
Saturn will conjunct the Sun in Pisces and oppose the Full Moon in Virgo at the time of the Lunar eclipse on March 14. Saturn can increase one’s feeling of being constrained, held back, or frustrated. This is just two days before Mercury goes retrograde again. Remember that Mercury retrograde is not the time to be signing contracts, entering into legal agreements, buying electronics, buying a new car, and so on unless it is unavoidable. A small number of people who have Mercury retrograde in their natal charts may thrive during this period of time, but it is rare. I recommend caution mid-March, as the lunar eclipse may amplify the effects of Mercury retrograde and vice versa.
We end the month with two important and overlapping events. The first is the New Moon in Aries accompanied by a partial solar eclipse on March 29. The eclipse conjuncts the Sun, Moon, and widely conjuncts Neptune in its last minutes of Pisces. Two days later, on March 31, Neptune moves into Aries. Neptune is not naturally at home in Aries and the last time Neptune transited Aries, the American Civil War broke out. Even the ancient astrologers would have interpreted Neptune’s change of signs conjunct an eclipse as an ominous sign. When Saturn enters Aries and conjuncts Neptune at the end of May, however, plots or deceptions may be revealed and brought out into full light for all to see.
March ends with both Mercury and Venus in retrograde. We may feel like it is difficult to energetically leap into the Spring season. Patience will be required as we wrap up March and prepare for April.