January starts off feeling a little bumpy. Mars continues in retrograde motion until February 24 and continues opposing Pluto off and on through May. We may feel like we are running with the brakes on. Consequently, some plans may not gain traction until mid-Spring or early Summer. Instead, we are being directed to strengthen the “roots” of our plans more extensively to withstand the headwinds created by Mars and Pluto, as well as the many other changing planetary energies coming up this year!

Although Pluto has been firmly housed in Aquarius since November 20, it is in early degrees now and we are still getting used to this new energy. In January, we will certainly get a full dose of Pluto in Aquarius during the new and full moons. The New Moon on January 13 will be conjunct Mars and oppose Pluto. The Sun will also be in a wide conjunction to Pluto. We may feel some agitation or volatility mid-month. Then, on January 29, the Full Moon, Sun, and Mercury will be conjunct Pluto, creating more intensity. These lunar cycles can feel like an initiation into Pluto in Aquarius’ energy, an energy our country hasn’t felt since 1778 to 1798.

It would be easy to get caught up in a myriad of unconstructive emotions in January. Pluto in all these difficult aspects can do that. And I urge you not to buy into this! Possibility and adaptability will be key words for 2025. We must continue to be prepared to adapt to other outer planet changes over the next few months. In March, Neptune moves into Aries. In May, Saturn moves into Aries. and in July, Uranus moves into Gemini. We are living in a highly unusual time in both astrological and human history. Being able to open up to the possibilitythis brings will help us navigate the changes with more awareness.