August will largely be defined by the twenty-three days Mercury spends in retrograde. Mercury retrograde is a time to revisit past plans or activities, adjust, and redefine one’s strategy. It is not a time to start something new. For example, whoever scheduled the Democratic National Convention this year most certainly did not consult an astrologer because Mercury retrograde is not the time to launch a campaign.
That said, campaigning on both sides has been going on for weeks. And I cannot remember a debate between the two presumptive candidates being scheduled before the conventions were held unless a wider field of candidates was competing for nomination. Everything seems topsy turvy this election year. On the other hand, the people who scheduled this convention may have been prescient. After all, there is nothing like a Mercury retrograde (except for perhaps, a Jupiter or Uranus aspect) to generate the unexpected.
Oh, but guess what? Uranus is squaring the Sun and retrograde Mercury and Jupiter is conjunct Mars this month creating a triple whammy of excitement—lucky us! At least Saturn is applying the breaks to Mars and Jupiter, although I’m not sure that is enough to create any sense of calm.
If you’ve been having trouble sleeping or feeling anxiety ridden, know that you are not alone. These kinds of aspects may be exciting, but they also bring turmoil because they are growth provoking aspects that defy routine and stagnation. Growth is rarely comfortable.
As I said last month, it is important for us to look inward for strength and guidance instead of simply reacting to external events. This will help create internal fortitude and resilience, two qualities we will need in abundance, and which allow us to make good decisions as we move through the waters of uncertainly and change.