My interest in astrology began early in life and prompted me to ask for a copy of Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs for one of my birthdays. After reading her book I was hooked. I began studying astrology in earnest almost 40 years ago. For most of those 40 years, I have regarded this as a hobby.

About 10 years ago a good friend asked me to write an astrological column for the newsletter she put out at her meditation center. That’s when my quarterly Astrological Musings column was born.

My “real life” work is as a Naturopathic Doctor. Over the years I have been writing my column, I realized that many patients were feeling the astrological trends I was writing about.

They may not have realized it, but the things they were saying in my medical office made it clear that they were tuned in to the planetary energies. Inevitably, when I would look up their birthday, some planet in their chart was being activated by the energy they were sensing.

I also recognized that some of my patients needed additional perspective on the challenges they were feeling in their lives and in their wellness process.

As a healer, I decided to start offering readings that emphasized identifying and navigating the planetary energies that may detour an individual in achieving their highest spiritual potential or from healing on the deepest level. I also explore the energy that can assist an individual in realizing their spiritual and physical healing potential.